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Dave Broom

Friday 28th October 2022

Topping & Company Booksellers of St Andrews, 7 Greyfriars Garden, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9HG
Doors Open
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Dave Broom on A Sense of Place

In October, the impressive and charismatic Dave Broom leads us through a very special tasting of our finest whiskies to celebrate his new book, A Sense of Place: A journey around Scotland’s whisky.

In this beautifully crafted narrative, Broom examines whisky from the point of view of its terroir – the land, weather, history, craft and culture that feed and enhance the whisky itself. Travelling around Scotland and visiting distilleries from Islay and Harris to Orkney and Speyside, Dave explores the whiskies and the elements in their distilling, and locality, which make them what they are. Along the way he tells the story of whisky’s history and considers what whisky is now, and where it is going.

Dave is a complete aficionado on the world of whisky and his previous award winning books also include Whisky: The ManualGin: The ManualRum: The Manual and The Way of Whisky.

We have a special bring a friend for free for this fantastic tasting event. Do book on quickly, before they're all gone!