Briana Pegado
Friday 26th April 2024
Topping & Company Booksellers of St Andrews, 7 Greyfriars Garden, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9HG

Briana Pegado on Make Good Trouble
Change your life and your community through the power of energy disruption! This April, anti-racism and governance consultant and Royal Society of Arts fellow Briana Pegado teaches us valuable skills for combatting negativity in Make Good Trouble: A Practical Guide to the Energetics of Disruption.
This is a book for anyone who wants to harness the energetics of disruption to catalyse change in their own lives and in society as a whole. Using various energy workings, including Theta Healing, tarot, astrology, goddess energy and so much more, this book will show the reader how to find their values, stand in their integrity, be a leader, and channel disruption for powerful change.
Learn how disruption of the status quo releases energy, what that energy can do, and how you can begin to create it.
Discover many practical ways of bringing about change, from the smallest steps of improving personal relationships, to whistleblowing and challenging big systems of power.
Delve into the energy of goddesses and warrior queens as a tool to embody power and become a leader of change.
Navigate by the archetypes of the Tarot and astrology to better understand your own journey as an individual standing in your integrity.
Explore the Values Compass tool to unearth your true values and priorities. Use the disruption toolkit to understand when to speak up, when to be silent and when to act.
Equip yourself with the self-care tools to protect your own energy, including setting boundaries, building a network and rest as resistance.
In the aftermath of disruption, understand how to restructure and rebuild for a better future. This book is for anyone who feels compelled to make the world a better place, anyone who is looking to bring compassion and equality to all aspects of their lives, including at work, at home, in friendships, in relationships, and most importantly in our relationship to ourselves.
Briana Pegado FRSA is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She is a trained ThetaHealer, a psychic intuitive, a student of astrology and an artist. She has written for years on topics ranging from the rise of feminist mysticism for Monstrous Regiment Publishing to rising inequality in the creative industries for Bella Caledonia. She was named one of Scotland's 30 Under 30 Inspiring Young Women in 2017 and has won a number of awards for her work as a social entrepreneur in the creative industries over the last eight years. Currently, she is an anti-racism and governance consultant working across the third and public sector. She is a data-driven innovation ambassador for the Edinburgh Futures Institute.