Duncan Poyser and Simon Stirrup
Thursday 19th June
Methodist Church, Chapel Street Ely CB6 1AD

We are so pleased to be hosting an event for Fenland Nature. A book which showcases the natural history and landscape of the Fens, an area now responsible for a third of Britain's food production and worth over GBP3 billion to the economy every year. It describes the geology and geography across the Fenland Basin over the last 14,000 years, a period dominated by the flux of wetlands and movement of water. The human relationship with this landscape is traced through history: from Mesolithic hunters to the prosperity of a medieval economy based on the currency of eels, through the taming and draining of the vast wetlands, to modern farming on an industrial scale.
While recognising that only a fraction of the Fens is left, Fenland Nature celebrates the breadth of wildlife still to be found in the region, from vast flocks of visiting wildfowl in the winter months, to rare and specialised plants and insects - all illustrated with detailed and evocative photographs.