Irish Fiction Reading Group: Contemporary and Classic
Tuesday 15th April
Topping & Company Booksellers of Edinburgh, 2 Blenheim Place, Edinburgh EH7 5JH

Fáilte romhat! Our next reading group will be Irish Fiction: Contemporary and Classic Writing. We’ll be immersing ourselves in a range of Irish writing, expanding the breadth of reading to encompass contemporary and classic Irish fiction. We’ll be looking at the two books listed below, one a novel and the other a short story collection, and considering how each book fits with - or doesn’t fit with - our preconceptions of Irish writing.
15th April: A Line Made by Walking by Sara Baume
20th May: The Springs of Affection by Maeve Brennan
There’s no need to prepare: just bring your lovely self!
For our fourth book group, we will be reading A Line Made by Walking by Sara Baume.
Struggling to cope with urban life - and with life in general - Frankie, a twenty-something artist, retreats to the rural bungalow on 'turbine hill' that has been vacant since her grandmother's death three years earlier. It is in this space, surrounded by nature, that she hopes to regain her footing in art and life.
Finding little comfort in human interaction, Frankie turns her camera lens on the natural world and its reassuring cycle of life and death. What emerges is a profound meditation on the interconnectedness of wilderness, art and individual experience, and a powerful exploration of human frailty.
Each entry place costs £5, fully redeemable as a voucher towards a copy of the book. We hope you’ll join us for some great conversation, and a glass of wine or a tea.