Saul David on Sky Warriors:
Thursday 9th May 2024
Topping & Company Booksellers of Bath, York Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 1NG

“David recounts battles with enthralling detail, ever from a detached distance. He specialises in a worm’s eye view of war; his books possess a dramatic intensity” (Gerard de Groot, The Times)
This riveting new history centres on the ‘Red Devils’, some of the finest combat troops of the Second World War. These parachutists and glider-borne troops served with distinction in every major theatre of the conflict – from the Bruneval Raid of February 1942 to Operation Varsity in March 1945, the biggest parachute drop in history. Enjoy Saul’s gripping commentary of the British airborne experience.
Sky Warriors is an accomplished act of storytelling; authoritative, far-reaching and deeply moving. Building the narrative from the ground-up, Saul David draws on multiple archives, published memoirs, unpublished diaries and letters, and interviews with participants. The end result is a dramatic narrative of the airborne forces' recruitment, training and wartime exploits.
This is the first time the complete wartime story of the British airborne forces has been told.