Guided Walk with forager Andy Hamilton
Sunday 25th May
Topping & Company Booksellers of Bath, York Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 1NG

Join us this May as author, forager, and researcher Andy Hamilton guides you along one of Bath's beautiful parks in search of distinct flora, to celebrate the release of his book New Wild Order.
For our guided walks, head to the bookshop for 9.30am for some complimentary tea, coffee and cake before heading out with Andy at 10am. The walk will last approximately one hour and will finish back at the bookshop.
This is not a book about aspirational living; it's about practical living. It's about looking at the world around you and finding where it's at fault, rather than blaming yourself. It's about dropping the comfortable prisons we create for ourselves to find the real freedom and happiness we deserve.
We live in a world that is overfed but malnourished, sunlight deficient, overly competitive, sedentary, and sleep deprived. Our blood pressure and stress levels are at record highs, our mental health at record lows. Our eyes are strained from looking at screens all the time, and our backs are killing us. We buy far too much of what we don't need, and we aren't even pooing in the right position!
Yet step outside, maybe walk a few minutes down the road, and you will inevitably see plants bursting with nourishment, hear calming birdsong, breath in fresh air, move your stiff body. Perhaps we have the answer to all our modern malaises right here, outside our own homes. Perhaps it is time for a New Wild Order.
Andy Hamilton is an author, forager, thinker, researcher, and dad. Descriptions that, along with his love of the natural world, often inform his bestselling and award-winning works, which include The First Time Forager, Booze for Free, and The Selfsufficient-ish Bible. Andy originated the Association of Foragers, an international body and tight-knit community of those working with wild food. He lives with his family in Bristol, who get around without a car, and forage, and tree climb together.