Amy Williams
Monday 20th February 2023
Topping & Company Booksellers of Bath, York Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 1NG

Amy Williams MBE was the first British woman to win individual Winter Olympic Gold in 58 years when she did so in Vancouver in 2010.
Since retiring from skeleton racing, Amy has presented for BBC Sport, ITV & The Gadget Show, is an athlete mentor for Team GB, an ambassador for the Youth Sport Trust, the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust & Sports Aid, a Personal Trainer, Public Speaker & role model for young athletes everywhere.
Amy joins us is her hometown of Bath to give a talk on her book Talent to Triumph.
Talented athletes across all sports don't always go on to fulfil their true potential. The ratio of those that do, compared to those that don't is incredibly small. You mightn't have found the right sport for you, you might have faced setbacks, barriers, bad luck or lack of facilities. You mightn't have the knowledge required to optimise your performance, look after your wellbeing or take a long-term approach to your sporting journey. This book is the answer.
Olympic Champion, Amy Williams MBE guides you through your entire sporting journey, using her own experiences & those of some of Britain's greatest athletes to help you turn your talent into your triumph. You'll learn about mindset, confidence, teamwork, overcoming barriers & setbacks, dealing with injuries, longevity, training & preparation, talent identification schemes, maximising competition/match day outcomes & much more besides. Featuring original insight from elite performers across many sports & other relevant fields, Talent to Triumph is your full guide to maximising your sporting talent, whatever it may be.