Salley Vickers' Comfort Reads
Recommendations from your Favourite Authors
We have long loved Salley Vickers' novels from the debut Miss Garnet's Angel to the recent Grandmothers. Always wise, touching on matters of the human heart, but above all a subtle delight to read, every book by Salley is one to treasure.
As well as the three recommendations below, Salley added:
'In these troubled times I find poetry a great consolation so would suggest John Burnside’s“Gift Songs” (he is my favourite living poet) and my all-time favourite poet George Herbert, whose fine studies of grief, depression and desolation which move into tentative hope and fragile joy should appeal to all who suffer from anxiety whether they are believers or not.
Finally, maybe of special interest to Scottish readers, I am currently reading From Pictland to Alba 789-1070 the history of “Scotland” (which wasn’t Scotland then) a fascinating account of the kingdoms and languages out which modern Scotland emerged. Whatever happened to the Picts? Nobody seems to know. Such a pity as they sound super interesting.'
Love in the Time of Cholera
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
“Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez is not really about cholera, more about the late coming to fruition of a long time love affair. I don’t care for his magic realism but this is top notch writing and a delicately told and totally believable story of love in old age."